Friday, September 2, 2016

September 2nd

Today students will be in the computer lab to complete a webquest on Classifying Mixtures:
Name __________________________________________   Date __________________
Classifying Mixtures Web Quest
Log on to my website to find the websites needed to complete this activity.  You will find the links under chemistry.

Part 1:  What is a mixture?
Use this website to answer the following questions:

A mixture is a substance made by ___________________________________________________________ in such a way that _____________________________________. A mixture can usually be _________________________ back into its __________________________ components.
Some examples of mixtures are:

Part 2:  What is a solution? 
Use this website to answer the following questions:

A solution is a __________________________________________________ where one substance is ______________________________ into another. A solution is the _____________________________, throughout which makes it a homogeneous mixture. 

A solution has certain characteristics:
  • It is _________________________, or homogeneous, throughout the mixture
  • It is ______________________________________________ over time or settle
  • The solute particles are so small _______________________________________________ by filtering
  • The solute and solvent molecules _______________________________ distinguished by the naked eye
  • It _______________________________ scatter a beam of light
Example of a Solution 
One example of a solution ______________________________ which is a mixture of water and salt. You __________________________________________ and the salt and water will stay a solution if left alone. 
Parts of a Solution
  • Solute - The solute is the substance that is ________________________________________________. In the example above, the _________________________ is the solute.
  • Solvent - The solvent is the substance that ________________________________________________.   In the example above, the ___________________________ is the solvent.

The concentration of a solution is the __________________________________ of the solute to solvent. If there is  _________________________________ in a solution, then it is "concentrated". If there is __________________________________________ solute, then the solution is said to be "diluted." 

Part 3:  Solutions can be heterogeneous or homogenous.  
Watch this video clip on heterogeneous and homogenous.   

From the video give an example of a heterogeneous and homogenous mixture.

a.   heterogeneous:  ______________________________________________

b.   homogenous: _________________________________________________

Part 4:  Suspensions and Colloids
Use this website to answer these questions:

Suspensions (heterogeneous) 
A suspension is a mixture between a _______________________________________. In this case the ___________________________________________. The particles and the liquid are mixed up so that the ______________________________________. They are ______________________________ in the liquid. A key characteristic of a suspension is that the __________________________________________________ if left alone. 
An example of a suspension is a mixture of __________________________________. When mixed up, the sand will _________________________________ the water. If left alone, the sand will _______________________________________________. 
Colloids (heterogeneous) 
A colloid is a mixture where _____________________________________________. They appear very similar to ___________________________, but the particles are _______________________________________ rather than ___________________. The difference between a colloid and a suspension is _________________________, they will stay suspended or float. 
An example of a colloid is _________________________________. Milk is a mixture of __________________________________________ and _________________________________in water. 
Colloids are generally considered _________________________________ mixtures, but have some qualities of __________________________________ mixtures as well. 

Part 5:  Review
Watch this TedEd Clip on Mixtures:

Take this quick quiz to see what you know:
Q1. Large particles settle out on standing
Q2. Medium size particles settles out on standing, scatters light

Q3. Very small particles does not settle out on standing
Q4. Chocolate milk
Q5. Fog
Q6. Smoke
Q7. Muddy water
Q8. Orange juice
Q9. Whipped cream
Q10. Sugar water

Q11. Salt water
Q12. Oil and vinegar salad dressing
Q13. Milk
Q14. Marshmallow

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