Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November 28th - December 1st

Monday - Warm Up Question
What two measurements are necessary for calculating speed?
A. Acceleration and time
B. Distance and time
C. Velocity and time
D. Velocity and distance

Today's Focus:
Review and go over Checkpoint 7 Assessment which was given on the Friday before Thanksgiving Break.

Review Distance Time Graphs via ppt.
Activity: Describing Motion on Distance Time Graphs (Complete for homework if not finished in class)

Homework:  Forces Review Sheet

Tuesday - Warm Up Question
How is velocity different than speed?

BrainPop Video Review - Acceleration

After BrainPop Video Review - Discussion on the differences between distance-time graphs and speed-time graphs

Homework: Study - Unit Test Friday

Wednesday - Warm Up Question
Explain the term acceleration

Stations Today:
A. Review on distance time graphs and speed-time graphs
B. QR Coding Activity (Reviewing Force and Motion)
C. Virtual Lab http:///

Homework: Study - Unit Test Friday

Thursday - Warm Up Question
Suppose you are in a car that is going around a curve.  The speedometer reads a constant 30 miles per hour.  Which of the following is not true?
A. You and the car are accelerating.
B. Your velocity is constant.
C. Your speed is constant.
D. Your acceleration is constant.

Computer Lab Day to complete the stations from the previous day.

Links for the QR Coding Activity are as follows:

A. Forces, Friction and Jeopardy Game:

B.  What is Gravity Review Quiz:

C. Forces Review

D. Acceleration Practice:

E. MOTION QR Code Video Assignment:

Video Link to use to answer the questions:
Questions to answer:
Web Address: 1. The four main conditions of the cars movement are time, position, velocity, and __________________________________________________.

 2. ______________________________________________ __ lets you know where you are or where you were.

3. The change in position is known as _____________________________________________.

4. _______________________________________ is the way your position changes over time.

 5. Acceleration is measured in the unit ______________________.

6. Average ______________________ = Δx

7. Average _______________________________= Δv

8. The symbol Δ is called _____________________________________.

 9. The force of gravity pulling something down is making the object acceleration at a rate of _________________________.


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